The poem was bad. But I will allow that it contained a certain level of energy that emitted a sense of obsession - like Tom S tried to express to the love of his life.
I guess within the poem can be seen a suggestion of unrest and need for adventure like what was provided in the novel as well. Had Mark Twain wrote the poem, though, it probably would have come off better then it did. Twain had wit and wisdom....I was a wanna-be joker with very little work ethic and no drive. I remember this poem. But, it is lost. I can't find it. So, I dig deeper.
The following is the earliest poem I ever wrote (that I know of, or that I can remember). Fifth grade, Osborne Elementary, Turlock, California...
How's that for freakin' POETRY???!!!

The following is the earliest poem I ever wrote (that I know of, or that I can remember). Fifth grade, Osborne Elementary, Turlock, California...
White, red
Fast, dirty, jumpy
Fun to ride
dirt bike
How's that for freakin' POETRY???!!!
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