Work sucked and my allergies are killing me, so this week's HNT is late and brief!
We found out last week the Doctor's cousin has an large, ugly tumor in her stomach region. Not fun. Her family, however, has shown tremendous love and support and a terrific outlook. I admire a clan who can stick together and see the positive.
One of their, I must say quirky, ways to show support was not only naming the tumor, Toby, but by also starting the trend of "Toby-Terminating Teal" nail polish. The whole family, including the males, has painted their nails, at least for a brief moment, and sent a picture showing the cousin that she's cared for.
So here's my support to the family that I've wiggled my way into:

This actually shows a lot of support since I hate my toes.
I really just hate feet in general.
The polish is: Wet n' Wild Caribbean Frost. Available at Walgreens!
Paint your nails, send me a picture at tony_persons@hotmail.com, I will forward it on to Sarah who will forward it on to her boyfriend's cousin! Do it! I dare you!
Read more of Sarah's blogs at http://sarahvz.blogspot.com/
Awesome! Thanks for rallying the support in Fresno!
...and whatever cities are represented by your blogreaders :P
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